Creation Care & The Gospel Book Club
Sun, Sep 29th 2pm - 4pm
Farnsworth Home 41 Ravenwood Circle Bloomington, IL 61704

Join Ithaka Fellowship at home of George & Mary Lou Farnsworth on Sunday, September 29th from 2-4pm as we continue our conversation about care for the earth. We are reading the book Creation Care And The Gospel: Reconsidering The Mission Of The Church, and we will casually discuss chapters 4-7. We will also look at the essay by Aldo Leopold "Thinking Like A Mountain" and reflect on the question "How one might wisely and winsomely dialog with Leopold in order to commend a Biblical outlook as a credible perspective to undergird Leopold's land ethic of valuing and conserving the natural world. Want to RSVP? Click that you are going and purchase the book. (We will post a link.) Light refreshments will be served.