A Non-Anxious Presence in our Out of Control World Anxiousness exists and even controls every relational sphere in our lives: in our marriages, our parenting, our workplace, our churches, and even in the national headlines. We tend to get swallowed up in our fear as we bow to the idols of our hearts in exchange for a little false peace and we leave a trail of sacrificed relationships and even our own sense of self to keep our anxious systems in place. With the Gospel of Peace and the Word of God in one hand and the works of Ed Friedman in the other, let's explore a better way toward Gospel sanity and Gospel love. Join Ithaka Fellowship on Friday, March 27th ONLINE at 7:00pm as we welcome guest lecturer, Rev. David Keithley. We will use Zoom to host this lecture and discussion, if you want a Zoom Link please email Krystal at klyon76@gmail.com
Non-Anxious Presence In Our Out Of Control World
Fri, Mar 27th
7pm - 8:30pm
Online Using Zoom
Chenoa, Illinois 61726